Thursday, November 14, 2013

Filter My Bubbles

The responses to the questions: 
A) I learned that privacy is no longer private in this country. Also that the government has been eliminating our freedom to speak or publish little by little. 
B) Doing any engine search changes my way of what I am looking at on the Internet because now I know that the government is looking at it and can be used against me in any way. 
C) The questions that rose from this video about the Internet in generalis that we have left our faith to technology to protect us from the harm of the Internet. In some ways it is good and in other ways it is really horrible. It is good because you don`t have topay for a human being to be controlling the computer processors and that "gatekeeper" as the video called it works intelligently. In another way the "gatekeeper" isn`t that all intelligent because the algorithms it uses sort of are like bribing a security guard to let you in to that really high end restaurant. the system that Google and Bing and Yahoo are using should be changed for the best of humanity for such reasons as Edward Snowden. 
D) I can improve the effectiveness of my searches by going to websites that don`t care who you are or what kind of job you have or what are you are looking for. Those      websites I prefer the most because they are there to help and aid you, not to profile you based on the searches. An example of that would be DuckDuckGo.

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