Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall Vocabulary #1

1. expository-to describe something 
2. composition-the ingredients that compose an object, literally or figuratively
3. assuage-to appease, to make milder or severe, to soothe, calm or mollify
4. decadence-deterioration, moral degeneration or decay, excessive self indulgence 
5. hackneyed-made commonplace or trite; stale; banal
6. coalition-combination or alliance, temporary one too; union into one body 
7. transcend- overpass or exceed; elevation, extent; independent of 
8. meritorious-deserving praise, reward, esteem; praiseworthy
9. lurid-gruesome, horrible; glaringly vivd or sensational; terrible in intensity
10. petulant-moving to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, especially over some trifling annoyance

1. The journalist was very EXPOSITORY when he said the airplane ran on only diesel fuel. 
2. The blog will be COMPOSED of posts that are very critical thinking questions. 
3. I hope we can ASSUAGE the baby down because he has been crying alot lately. 
4. Over the course of time, the DECADENCE of our nation`s bridges begin to lose their strength due to natural wear and tear and weather beating. 
5. The loaf of bread has become HACKNEYED because we don`t eat the bread that`s bought for that specific reason.   
6. Cesar Chavez started a COALITION to end the discrimination against the grape and farm workers of the San Joaquin Valley. 
7. We are TRANSCENDING our national debt by comparison of any other country on Earth. 
8. The parents gave the student a very MERITORIOUS gift at the end of high school, a brand new computer for college.
9. The 70`s were LURID period in our history because there were new trends in fashion at that time. 
10. Some people that are very PETULANT, especially the kind that can`t stop talking, are the kind that I can`t tolerate. 

Fall Vocabulary #2

1. obesity-the condition of being very fat or overweight 
2. accumulate-to pile something on, form a steadily increasing quantity
3. mass-body of coherent matter, usually of indefinte shape and size 
4. disease-toxicity from poison, etc.,that harms the body
5. diet-such a selection or a limitation on the amount a person eats for reducing weight 
6. prevalence- condition of being prevalent or widespread
7. stigma-mark, wound, or place that is a stain, reproach, or an ID to someone 
8. prevent(able)- to stop something from happening, or stop someone from doing something that could otherwise be irreversible
9. adolescent-encompasses both physiological and psycological changes
10. cardiovascular- of or relating to the heart and blood vessels
11. excessive(ly)- going beyond the usual, necessary or proper limit 
12. mechanism- assembly of moving parts performing a complete motion
13. sedentary- to take little exercise
14. predispose- give an inclination or tendency to beforehand
15. syndrome- a group of symptoms that together are characterized as a specific disorder, disease, or the like. 

1. OBESITY is a very big problem around the world because the fast food corporations are stationing in other countries aside from the U.S. locations.
2. I should start posting the assignments up on my blog, or I will have an ACCUMULATION of other posts to create. 
3. Most of the time, very well built corporations create their own products by the MASS to keep up with the public`s demand.
4. The Black Plague DISEASE killed many people in Europe during the early 16th to the late 17th centuries.
5. Keeping a DIET to lose weight is alot worse than not keeping a diet at all because you tend to double your weight after a few months the diet has come to its end. 
6. You should be really PREVALENT in high school especially so colleges know are very active in everything. 
7. Middle-Easterns tend to have a STIGMA toward the United States, for most of the anti-democrats, because they believe we have caused the chaos in their country. 
8. Fires can be PREVENTABLE if everyone does their part to put the campfire out. 
9. The ADOLESCENT needs to shape up if he really wants to participate in the army or to get a job.
10. The CARDIOVASCULAR system tends to work faster because when you are obese, the heart is weighted down by the fat molecules. 
11. The high class society spend an EXCESSIVE amount of money on themselves and don`t help out to pay off the national debt. 
12. In the near future, human body MECHANISMS will be replaced with bionic parts to help the disabled achieve basic tasks such as grabbing and walking. 
13. I, just like most of America, like to be SEDENTARY, especially when the winter season comes around. 
14. I give a PREDISPOSITION toward eating that plate of ribs by myself. 
15. Children with down SYNDROME can`t really speak or move any body parts.