Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall Vocabulary #1

1. expository-to describe something 
2. composition-the ingredients that compose an object, literally or figuratively
3. assuage-to appease, to make milder or severe, to soothe, calm or mollify
4. decadence-deterioration, moral degeneration or decay, excessive self indulgence 
5. hackneyed-made commonplace or trite; stale; banal
6. coalition-combination or alliance, temporary one too; union into one body 
7. transcend- overpass or exceed; elevation, extent; independent of 
8. meritorious-deserving praise, reward, esteem; praiseworthy
9. lurid-gruesome, horrible; glaringly vivd or sensational; terrible in intensity
10. petulant-moving to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, especially over some trifling annoyance

1. The journalist was very EXPOSITORY when he said the airplane ran on only diesel fuel. 
2. The blog will be COMPOSED of posts that are very critical thinking questions. 
3. I hope we can ASSUAGE the baby down because he has been crying alot lately. 
4. Over the course of time, the DECADENCE of our nation`s bridges begin to lose their strength due to natural wear and tear and weather beating. 
5. The loaf of bread has become HACKNEYED because we don`t eat the bread that`s bought for that specific reason.   
6. Cesar Chavez started a COALITION to end the discrimination against the grape and farm workers of the San Joaquin Valley. 
7. We are TRANSCENDING our national debt by comparison of any other country on Earth. 
8. The parents gave the student a very MERITORIOUS gift at the end of high school, a brand new computer for college.
9. The 70`s were LURID period in our history because there were new trends in fashion at that time. 
10. Some people that are very PETULANT, especially the kind that can`t stop talking, are the kind that I can`t tolerate. 

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