Saturday, May 31, 2014

Request for Response

First of all, let me pay my condolences to the victims of the shooting at UCSB. May your spirits be somewhere free of all this bureaucracy and (in my opinion), turmoil, and disorganization of our very government.
Now let me begin. our government needs new laws set in place to control all sales of guns. second, straighten out the fundamental amendments our founding fathers set in stone metaphorically speaking less than 200 years. Why less than 200 years? Because recently our rights have been put down by our government by saying it is unconstitutional to rally and say what you have to say to your country leaders. I feel like we are paying the price while Mr. Obama is taking a stroll to a little league game!! And we can`t seem to fix our tremendously high national debt. Lack of leadership, organization, and excess use of speeches. Tell us what really is going on DC, don`t smother it with frosting, tell us where our money is going. Anyway, now that that is off my chest, the fact that a student studying for the legal rights sector (aka being a lawyer) of the economy, and having issues with his physique, is no reason for anyone to have seven guns and about one thousand rounds of ammunition. Let also clarify that probably the school itself did not create an inspection warrant to check his particular dorm room.

BOTTOM LINE: GET YOUR THINGS TOGETHER WASHINGTON! We are the new generation and do not want to have to deal with this bowl of &$@!# (fill in the blank if you wish!!).

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Just curious...

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just trying something out I was wondering about...

New Favicon to the Website...

1. First log in to your blogger account
2. Click on your website name in the dashboard
3. Click on Layout
4. Head to the favicon gadget. If you don't have it already, click Add Gadget, next Favicon, or something like that.
5. Once favicon gadget is present, hit edit.
6. Click on Choose file. I chose a picture of a small stack of books. It will display the picture you chose.
7. Click on Save
8. View your blog to make sure and enjoy!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Something New to Learn from...

En 1920 llega a Ciudad Valles la energía eléctrica los Ingenieros Tomas y Angel Oliva instalan una pequeña central eléctrica que apenas podía suministrar a pocos lugares de la ciudad produciendo alrededor de 8 kilos de potencia, posteriormente a esto formaron una sociedad con Romualdo del Campo y lograron hacer una instalación más fuerte que producía 50 kilos de fluido eléctrico, y varios años después el Ingeniero Mario Niño Salgado fundo la Central Hidroelectrica del Rio Micos S.A. llegando a cifras de 3000 kilos de potencia, convirtiéndose estos en los primeros distribuidores de energía eléctrica de Ciudad Valles.

The gist of the Wikipedia piece of text I chose basically shows how a hydroelectric dam was built near where my dad grew up. Now it is the city's major power supply, providing about 1000 watts of power, more or less.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Beginnings 1 and 2

Today, May 7th, Eddie Martinez has murdered his girlfriend. It occured at about 8 o clock in the evening. He is in regional jail cell 0001, thinking about what he has done. The motive for throwing her over the pointy rocky cliff is still very vague. All that is known is that she suffered a penetration deep enough to take her life away. She also suffered some cuts, bruises, a concussion to the brain, and some severe skeletal damage to the spine and hips.

After being in jail for over 30 years for murder, Eddie Martinez is on trial again for possession of drugs on his property. Martinez had been adviced by the late deceased girlfriend to not sell drugs on the street with her. He didn't listen and after coming back from a run, Martinez had originally adviced her to keep quiet, she refused, and ended up throwing her off of Shell Beach Cliffs.
UPDATE: Martinez has just been proven guilty and will serve 50 years to life at a penitentiary

Monday, May 5, 2014


Today is the fifth of May, year 2014. Today marks an important historical battle that took place in the Mexican state of Puebla. Now, I have an issue and I found this issue when I read the journal topic today.
Background Info:
Apart from Wkipedia's Cinco de Mayo description, Mexico celebrates it as if it were a Veteran's Day in November. There is no drinking and it is very well respected throughout. Here in the United States however, it has stirred up some controversy because sometimes people can be racially active. I remember a few years ago, college students dressed up as pregnant Latina females and guys dressed up as blue collar workers to say the least. Even the beer companies have started to open its advertising doors toward this holiday so people can get drunk. 

On another note, I am happy that my country is looking toward other cultures, not just pushing them aside like a deck of cards. This country should be a melting pot alot more richer than when the colonists first arrived. Final words: respect the holiday as if it were you're very own historical event and don't abuse it please. I am being as most sincere and heart felt as I can be. Thank you.