Thursday, November 7, 2013

Notes for the Racial Profiling Research Paper

These are the notes that I took the day we discussed over the paper: 
  • Limitations on the first amendment
    • Hate speech
    • Obscenity
    • Copywriting laws (plagerism, pirating DVD`s)
    • Guarentees freedom of speech, press, and religion
    • Outlines what Congress can`t do but it limits on what we can say
    • Another thing not covered by the First Amendment is any speech said that has immediate or irreperable harm to the nation or its individuals
  • en loco parenti "in the place of the parents", for school purposes
  • En loco politico "in place of the politics"
  • Schema-a representation of a plan or theory in the form of an outline or model. In psychological terms, it is when a cognitive framework or concept that helps organize and interpret information
    • It can be useful because it allows us to take shortcuts in interpreting information in the available environment
    • Dangerous because it excludes pertinent information that is available to that environment
      • Focuses on things for confirming pre-existing beliefs and ideas
      • Can contribute to stereotypes and make it difficult to process new information when it doesn`t go with our personal beliefs
  • Stereo types used such as ethnicity/race, religion, gender (the in and out groups)
    • Definition: a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image of an idea of a particular person or thing
    • Common stereotypes used today are toward politicians, tattoed persons, the elder, and feminists 
  • The value of life - who is greater / lesser than in life (could be money, status, etc.)
  • Verbal, nonverbal, peraverbal communication (used on a day-to-day basis and can offend other people who take a particular thing the wrong way)
    • Verbal-to convey a meaning 
    • Nonverbal-body language, hand movement, distance between people personal space, eye contact with one another
    • Peraverbal-qualities of voice, volume, speed and pace used by the speaker, tone, talking fluently and then abruptly pausing
  • the right to your opinion-how you should question and validate other`s opinions based on cold hard facts provided by them 
  • type of experimental ideas:
    • theoretical-it is the "world" of ideas and information provided
    • Applied- that it can be used and tested in the real world and where there will be results
Questions that we came up with:
  • How do we know racial profiling when we see it? 
  • Why is racism such a huge problem?
  • What are the causes of racism and how can it be fixed?
  • What forms can be found in racism? 
  • Why are people racist? 
  • Describe the history of racism in this country going back to about the 1800`s.
For more info, please go to Dr. Preston`s website. It should be under the Research Paper post. 

UPDATED November 20th, 2013: 
Content to the Introduction

  • The author should point out the important issue
  • Point out that whatever being said, it is contributing to the issue, and helps to fill in the gap
  • We ask a question to see how it can be done
  • How can you answer the question
Methodology Section

  •  what is my strategy to examining the source I am looking at
  • Where do I find the sources I need