Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Five Go-To Sources for Literature

Here are my go-to sources for really good literature
1. Barnes&Noble
2. Google Play Books or the App Store, depending on the type of platform you use
3. Dr. Preston`s shelves in his room 
4. is for everything other than nonfiction
5. your local library

Netvibes Review

Netvibes is a place more for the person who wants everything news or work related all on one screen to be more efficient and to get on with the day. Netvibes, to me, really doesn`t help me out because I am now used to going to Dr. Preston`s website and looking around for what I need. Also it is a habit now. 


On second thought I will be using Netvibes for the six-resources-a-week deal we had. So I'll report back soon.