Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fall Vocabulary #3

1. slapdash- very ignorant
2. reprimand- lecture from a higher rank in society
3. annihilate- to obliderate, destroy
4. arbitrary- your personal decision
5. brazen- bold, without shame
6. catalyst- molecule that causes a chain reaction or change
7. exodus- movement of people; massive departure
8. facilitate- to make something easier
9. incorrigible- bad, beyond correction
10. latent- hidden
11. militant- aggressive
12. morose- gloomy or sulky outlook 
13. opaque- stain glass window, unclear, vague
14. paramount- most important, highest, superior
15. prattle- go on and on, like people gossiping
16. rebut- to disprove evidence
17. servitude- the condition of being a slave or being forced to obey someone
18. stagnant- no activity, to stay the same, not changing or improving
19. succumb- to give in to superior force; to stop opposing someone or something, and allow him, her, or it to take control

1. Old people are very SLAPDASH because they don`t really want to hear you reprimanding them. 
2. Time and time again, my mother has REPRIMANDED me on participating in clubs and sports throughout high school. 
3. I will ANNIHILATE the enemy army in Call of Duty by using every resource I have in inventory. 
4. My ARBITRARY is to start catching up on the blog posts because I haven`t been posting like I had before. 
5. President Obama has the BRAZEN attitude to send troops to Syria, even when the public has an arbitrary against him. 
6. The student body president`s speech was a CATALYST for the students to start participating in fundraisers for the school clubs and general supplies. 
7. The Trail of Tears was an EXODUS for the American Indians because they were forced out of their native lands into reservations to make way for new industry and housing. 
8. The technology of today has FACILITATED our everyday life to the fields of medicine, finance and even sports events. 
9. The car, gone to the plains to rust, is in an INCORRIGIBLE state of driving anymore because it has also grown with the earth and the weeds. 
10. A police car was LATENT behind that mound of dirt a few miles back. 
11. My eighth grade U.S. History teacher, which was also my sixth grade World History, was very MILITANT because she had us cut and paste papers into our notebooks in little as 45 seconds. 
12. Eeyore is very MOROSE when he is confronted with a situation. 
13. The test was very OPAQUE because it had material that we had never learned before and that we were going to learn soon in the year. 
14. Hopefully, I turn out to be a PARAMOUNT of a really successful corporation and not be an Earth hater. 
15. Those two ladies sitting at the back of the bus have been PRATTLING since I boarded this bus. What are they talking about? Who knows.
16. In any English class, it is encouraged that you REBUT the teacher in any you can so the teacher can get a feel for the student`s thinking capacities. 
17. SERVITUDE was a huge deal back before the Reconstruction period. Any slave that had left the plantation for freedom in the North was, by mandatory, to be sent back to the slave`s owner and be punished very harshly. 
18. After a Thanksgiving dinner, the family waddled to the living room and sat there very STAGNANTLY. The turkey is the culprit!
19. Do not SUCCUMB to other people when you have the right answer, in some situations.