Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ready for Launch... 3, 2, 1,... Blast Off !!!

My passion is to learn about renewable energy and environmental engineering,  and maybe getting into the work force of installing solar, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric power systems. To accomplish this, I have started up a blog about renewable energy, environmentally sustainable, and being green in general. I want to " feel the awesomeness " by June, so to accomplish this feeling, my work will have to be very well written and in very good condition that would deserve an A+. Impressing others would be a good feeling also by declaring that I have two blogs and that I have my progress shown for.everyone to see. The second blog.I have going on is a reality because I am making it is really good work. The network would be peers from class, the public, and experts from college professors and other highly regarded leaders.