Saturday, May 31, 2014

Request for Response

First of all, let me pay my condolences to the victims of the shooting at UCSB. May your spirits be somewhere free of all this bureaucracy and (in my opinion), turmoil, and disorganization of our very government.
Now let me begin. our government needs new laws set in place to control all sales of guns. second, straighten out the fundamental amendments our founding fathers set in stone metaphorically speaking less than 200 years. Why less than 200 years? Because recently our rights have been put down by our government by saying it is unconstitutional to rally and say what you have to say to your country leaders. I feel like we are paying the price while Mr. Obama is taking a stroll to a little league game!! And we can`t seem to fix our tremendously high national debt. Lack of leadership, organization, and excess use of speeches. Tell us what really is going on DC, don`t smother it with frosting, tell us where our money is going. Anyway, now that that is off my chest, the fact that a student studying for the legal rights sector (aka being a lawyer) of the economy, and having issues with his physique, is no reason for anyone to have seven guns and about one thousand rounds of ammunition. Let also clarify that probably the school itself did not create an inspection warrant to check his particular dorm room.

BOTTOM LINE: GET YOUR THINGS TOGETHER WASHINGTON! We are the new generation and do not want to have to deal with this bowl of &$@!# (fill in the blank if you wish!!).

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